型 号: | |
更新时间: | 2016-05-25 |
报 价: | 6546 |
HSC8 16-4 迷你型自调式压线钳上海苏特电气有限公司专业生产十数年,诚挚欢迎广大顾客,愿合作愉快!
HSC8 16-4 迷你型自调式压线钳
HSC8 16-4用于非焊接的,符合标准的电气连接,适合管状裸端子及管状预绝缘端子。压接时只要将端子侧向进入压线钳,根据端子所要求的挤压力度达到时,强制制动装置才会使压接钳口自动松开,保证在反复压线时能保持较高质量的压线标准。
It is applicable for tubular bare terminals and pre-insulated terminal on non-welding connection complied with standard electrical connection. When crimping, the terminal should be put into crimping pliers laterally. The demanded pressing force must be reached before the brake unit automatically release the jaw of the pliers. Thus high quality crimping standard could be ensured during repeatedly crimping.
HSC8 16-4 迷你型自调式压线钳工具参数
应用范围 Range of Application 套管式端子 Cable end-sleeves
压接能力 Capacity 4-16mm²
美国标准 AWG 12-6
长度 Length 210mm
重量 Weight 0.52kg
: sute@56412027.com sute@sutedq.com
公司:www.sute2008.com www.56422486.com
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